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Sustainability Survey was conducted on 113 first-year students in all three sections of MAN 101 Introduction to Business course. The survey had two parts, the first part was about general awareness and the second part was related to knowledge about sustainability in each function (i.e., marketing, finance, accounting, organization). The same survey is planned to be repeated in the 4th year to the same cohort to assess the effectiveness of the integration of this issue into the courses.


MAN 409 Sustainability and Social Impact in Business

This course aims at introducing the emerging trend in the global business context, which redefines the role of the company as an institution which not only generates profit but also creates positive social and environmental impact. The course starts with an overview of the key sustainability issues of the world and the basic Environmental, Societal and Governance (ESG) principles along with the associating business practices of the companies. The assigned papers, case studies and the term project aim at guiding the students to unveil the business rationale behind the increasing importance of ESG agenda and social impact, while familiarizing them with the concept of triple bottom line and the initiatives to make impact reporting an integral part of business and investment decisions.  COURSE SYLLABUS

MAN 450 Sustainable Management of Urban Mobility

This course aims at introducing the emerging trend in the global business context, which redefines the role of the company as an institution which not only generates profit but also creates positive social and environmental impact. The course starts with an overview of the key sustainability issues of the world and the basic Environmental, Societal and Governance (ESG) principles along with the associating business practices of the companies. The assigned papers, case studies and the term project aim at guiding the students to unveil the business rationale behind the increasing importance of ESG agenda and social impact, while familiarizing them with the concept of triple bottom line and the initiatives to make impact reporting an integral part of business and investment decisions. COURSE SYLLABUS

MAN 495 Business Capstone Project

During the period Fall 2021-June 2023, out of 56 Capstone course teams, 6 worked specifically on sustainability problems which correspond to %10.7 (KPI is 10%). Furthermore, 10% of all reports were written on sustainability issues.

This capstone course involves a semester-long project carried out with an actual company to enable students to apply their business functional area knowledge in an actual business setting and to develop a holistic perspective on business practice. With this objective, the course first will involve a classroom component where the students will review their business functional area knowledge and develop integrative case analysis skills. Based on this preparation, students will then launch their field project to engage with an actual company, to identify and frame business problems and challenges that they face based on various data sources (both primary and secondary), and to articulate these in a detailed and contextualized case report. Finally, students will analyze and provide a solution for a business case, and communicate/present their proposed solutions in multiple professional formats. COURSE SYLLABUS

MAN 399 Internship Reports

The minimum time for this practice in an organization is four weeks (20 working days). The main objective is to observe a company / institution / organization in an original setting and work on questions relevant to the company / institution / organization on the fundamental areas of Management. COURSE SYLLABUS