Zahide Karakitapoğlu Aygün
- Karakitapoglu Aygun, Z., Gumusluoglu, L., Erturk, A., & Scandura, T.A. “What if authoritarian to all or to some? A multi-level investigation of within-team differentiation in authoritarian leadership,” Journal of Business Research, vol. 162, pp. 113873 -,2023. (SDG #9,16)
- Gumusluoglu, L. and Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z. “Liderler Farklı Kültürlerde Etik İklimi Nasıl Etkiliyor?”. Harvard Business Review Türkiye, Nisan, 15-2022. (SDG #9,16)
- Karakitapoglu Aygun, Z., Gumusluoglu, L., Erturk, A., & Scandura, T.A., “Two to Tango? A cross-cultural investigation of the leader-follower agreement on authoritarian leadership,” Journal of Business Research, vol. 128, pp. 473-485, 2021. (SDG #9,16)
- Gumusluoglu, L., Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., & Hu, C.,” Angels, and devils?: How do bright and dark sides of paternalistic leaders differ in shaping ethical climate across cultures?”, Business Ethics: A European Review, 29 (2), 388-402, 2020. (SDG #9,16)
- Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., Gumusluoglu, L. and Scandura, T., “How do different faces of paternalistic leaders facilitate or impair task and innovative performance: Opening the black box”, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2, 138-152, 2020. (SDG#16)
- Erdogan, B., Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., Caughlin, D., Bauer, T., and Gumusluoglu, L., “Employee overqualification and manager job insecurity: Implications for employee career outcomes”, Human Resource Management, Vol. 59, 555-567, 2020. (SDG #16)
- Gumusluoglu, L., Karakitapoglu-Aygun, Z., & Hirst, G., “Transformational Leadership and R&D Workers’ Multiple Commitments: Do Justice & Span of Control Matter?”, Journal of Business Research, 66, 2269-2278, 2013. (SDG #9,16)
- Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., & Gumusluoglu, L.,”The Bright and Dark Sides of Leadership: Transformational vs. Non-Transformational Leadership in a Non-Western Context”, Leadership. 9 (1), 107-133, 2013. (SDG #9,16)
- Gumusluoglu, L., & Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z.,” Liderliğin Karanlık Yüzü”, Harvard Business Review Türkiye, 56-64, 2013. (SDG #9,16)
- Gumusluoglu, L., & Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., “The Effects of Perceived Justice and Empowerment on Organizational, Supervisory and Occupational Commitment: An Investigation on Knowledge Workers”, Turkish Journal of Psychology, 25(66), 21-36, 2010. (SDG #9,16)
E. Emre Berk
- Berk,E., Ayas,O., Ülkü,M.A, “On optimizing process-improvement efforts for supply chain operations in times of disruptions”, Sustainability, 15(17) 13117,2023. (SDG #9)
- Berk, E., Toy.A.Ö, “A serial inventory system with lead-time-dependent backordering: A reduced-state approximation,” IISE Transactions, vol. 55, pp. 259-270, 2023. (SDG #12)
- Saleh, U. Gurler, E. Berk, “Centralized and decentralized management of groundwater with multiple users,” European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 215, pp. 244-256, 2011. (SDG #11)
Ahmet Ekici
- Ekici, A., Önsel Ekici, Ş., Yumurtacı Hüseyinoğlu, I.Ö., Watson, F. “A Fuzzy Cognitive Map Approach to Understand Agricultural System and Food Prices in Turkey: Policy Recommendations for National Food Security”, Systems Research and Behavioral Science DOI10.1002/sres.2989, 2023. (SDG #2)
- Vicdan, H., Ulusoy, E., Tillotson, JS., Hong, SK., Ekici, A., Mimoun, L., Food prosumption technologies: A symbiotic lens for a degrowth transition. Marketing Theory, DOI10.1177/14705931231199962, 2023. (SDG #12)
- Genc, T.O., Ekici, A., “A new lens to the understanding and reduction of household food waste: A fuzzy cognitive map approach,” Sustainable Production and Consumption, vol. 33, pp. 389-411, 2022. (SDG #12)
- Ekici, A., Watson, F., “A model of consumer life-satisfaction amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence and policy implications” Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 56, pp. 158-179, 2022. (SDG #3)
- Ekici, A., Ekici, S.O., “Understanding and managing complexity through Bayesian network approach: The case of bribery in business transactions,” Journal of Business Research, vol. 129, pp. 757-773, 2021. (SDG #16)
- Ekici, A., Ekici, S.O. “A Bayesian Network Analysis of Ethical Behavior,” Journal of Macromarketing, vol. 36, pp. 96-115, 2016. (SDG #16)
- Blocker,C.P., Ruth,J.A. , Sridharan,S. , Beckwith,C., Ekici,A., Goudie-Hutton,M.,Antonio Rosa, J. , Saatcioglu,B., Talukdar,D., Trujillo,C. , Varman, R., “Understanding poverty and promoting poverty alleviation through transformative consumer research,” Journal of Business Research, vol. 66, pp. 1195-1202, 2013. (SDG #1)
- Ekici, A., Ekici, S.O. “How Ethical Behavior of Firms is Influenced by the Legal and Political Environments: A Bayesian Causal Map Analysis Based on Stages of Development,” Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 115, pp. 271-290, 2013. (SDG#16)
- Blocker,C.P., Ruth,J.A. , Sridharan,S. , Beckwith,C., Ekici,A., Goudie-Hutton,M.,Antonio Rosa, J. , Saatcioglu,B., Talukdar,D., Trujillo,C. , Varman, R., “Applying a Transformative Consumer Research Lens to Understanding and Alleviating Poverty,” Journal of Research for Consumers, vol. 19, pp., 2011. (SDG #1)
- Peterson, M., Ekici, A., Hunt, D.M., “How the poor in a developing country view business’ contribution to quality-of-life 5 years after a national economic crisis,” Journal of Business Research, vol. 63, pp. 548-558, 2010. (SDG #1)
- Sirgy, M.J., Lee, D-J., Grzeskowiak, S., Yu,G.B., Webb, D., …, Ekici, A., …, Rahtz, D., Canton, A., Kuruuzum, A., “Quality of College Life (QCL) of Students: Further Validation of a Measure of Well-being,” Social Indicators Research, vol. 99, pp. 375-390, 2010. (SDG #4)
Güliz Ger
- Eckhardt,G.M. , Belk, R. , Bradford, T.W., Dobscha, S., Ger,G., Varman, R.,”Decolonizing marketing,” Consumption Markets and Culture, vol. 25, pp. 176-186, 2022. (SDG #10)
- Ger, G., Suarez, M.C., Costa do Nascimento, T., “Context and Theorizing in the Global South: Challenges and Opportunities for an International Dialogue,” Brazilian Administration Review, 16:3,2019. (SDG #10)
C.Itır Göğüş |
- Ren, R., Simmons, A., Barsky, A., See, K., & Göğüş, C. I., “It’s not my job: Compensatory effects of procedural justice and goal setting on proactive preventive behavior.” Journal of Management & Organization, Volume 28 (4), pp. 792-810,2022. (SDG #8)
- Umphress, E., Tihanyi, L., Bierman, L., and Göğüş, C. I., “Personal lives? The effects of nonwork behaviors on organizational image”. Organizational Psychology Review, Volume 3 (3), 199-221,2013. (SDG #8)
- Umphress, E. E., Ren, R., Bingham, J. and C Göğüş, C. I., “The influence of distributive justice on lying for and stealing from a supervisor”, Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 86 (4), 507-518,2009. (SDG #8)
Lale Tomruk Gümüşlüoğlu |
- Karakitapoglu Aygun, Z., Gumusluoglu, L., Erturk, A., & Scandura, T.A. “What if authoritarian to all or to some? A multi-level investigation of within-team differentiation in authoritarian leadership,” Journal of Business Research, vol. 162, pp. 113873 -,2023. (SDG #9,16)
- Gumusluoglu, L. and Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z. “Liderler Farklı Kültürlerde Etik İklimi Nasıl Etkiliyor?”. Harvard Business Review Türkiye, Nisan, 15-2022. (SDG #9,16)
- Karakitapoglu Aygun, Z., Gumusluoglu, L., Erturk, A., & Scandura, T.A., “Two to Tango? A cross-cultural investigation of the leader-follower agreement on authoritarian leadership,” Journal of Business Research, vol. 128, pp. 473-485, 2021. (SDG #9,16)
- Gumusluoglu, L., Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., & Hu, C.,” Angels, and devils?: How do bright and dark sides of paternalistic leaders differ in shaping ethical climate across cultures?”, Business Ethics: A European Review, 29 (2), 388-402, 2020. (SDG#9,16)
- Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., Gumusluoglu, L. and Scandura, T., “How do different faces of paternalistic leaders facilitate or impair task and innovative performance: Opening the black box”, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2, 138-152, 2020. (SDG #16)
- Erdogan, B., Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., Caughlin, D., Bauer, T., and Gumusluoglu, L., “Employee overqualification and manager job insecurity: Implications for employee career outcomes”, Human Resource Management, Vol. 59, 555-567, 2020. (SDG #16)
- Gumusluoglu, L., Karakitapoglu-Aygun, Z., & Hirst, G., “Transformational Leadership and R&D Workers’ Multiple Commitments: Do Justice & Span of Control Matter?”, Journal of Business Research, 66, 2269-2278, 2013. (SDG #9,16)
- Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., & Gumusluoglu, L.,”The Bright and Dark Sides of Leadership: Transformational vs. Non-Transformational Leadership in a Non-Western Context”, Leadership. 9 (1), 107-133, 2013. (SDG #9,16)
- Gumusluoglu, L., & Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z.,” Liderliğin Karanlık Yüzü”, Harvard Business Review Türkiye, 56-64, 2013. (SDG #9,16)
- Gumusluoglu, L., & Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., “The Effects of Perceived Justice and Empowerment on Organizational, Supervisory and Occupational Commitment: An Investigation on Knowledge Workers”, Turkish Journal of Psychology, 25(66), 21-36, 2010. (SDG #9,16)
Başak Tanyeri Günsür |
- Tanyeri, B., Alp, E., “The value of shareholder rights in family firms: Global evidence from a death in the family,” Corporate Governance-An International Review, 31(4), 543-674, 2023. (SDG#16)
- Tanyeri, B., Savaser, T., Usul,N., “The Stock and CDS Market Consequences of Political Uncertainty: The Arab Spring,” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 58, 1821-1837, 2022. (SDG#16)
Yasemin Limon Kahyaoğlu |
- Martagan, T., Krishnamurthy,A., Limon,Y. , “Contracts for biopharmaceutical manufacturing based on production cost and capabilities,” International Journal of Production Research, 62(7), 2640-2662, 2023. (SDG#12)
- Limon,Y., Tang,C.,Tanrısever,F. , “Sequential versus concurrent final phase product development: Approval uncertainty, time-sensitive consumers, asymmetric competition, and government subsidy,” Production and Operations Management, vol. 32, pp. 3521 – 3540, 2023. (SDG#9)
Rasim Serdar Kurdoğlu |
- Kurdoglu, R. S. & Ateş, N. Y., “Arguing to defeat: Eristic argumentation and irrationality in resolving moral concerns”. Journal of Business Ethics, 175, 519–535,2022. (SDG#8)
- Kurdoglu, R. S., “The mirage of procedural justice and the primacy of interactional justice in organizations”, Journal of Business Ethics, 167(3): 495-512,2020. (SDG#8)
- Kurdoglu, R.S., “An inquiry into pseudo-legitimations: A framework to investigate the clash of managerial legitimations and employees’ unfairness claims”. Business Ethics: A European Review, 28(1): 129–138, 2019. (SDG#8)

Banu Sultanoğlu |
- Akdoğan, N., Sultanoglu, B. and Özerhan, Y., “Climate-Related Disclosures Exposure Draft IFRS S2: Possible Impacts on BIST Sustainability Index Companies”, 18th International Conference on Accounting, The World of Accounting Science (MODAV), Special Issue, 25, 96-128, 2023. (SDG#13)
- Sultanoglu, B. and Özerhan, Y., “Sustainability” in Accounting Education – Research in Turkish Universities, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 25th Special Issue, 325-334, 2022 (SDG#4)
- Sultanoglu, B. and Özerhan, Y., “Climate Change Reporting: Turkish Companies’ Voluntary CDP Disclosure”, 16th International Conference on Accounting, The World of Accounting Science (MODAV), Special Issue, 22, 176-194, 2020. (SDG#13)
- Sultanoglu, B. and Özerhan, Y., “Reporting and Auditing of Environmental Information In the Scope of Sustainability Reports”, Accounting and Auditing Review vol., pp. 53, 55-77 (SDG#13)
Ahmet Şensoy |
- Yao, S., Cheng, F., Liao, J., and Sensoy, A. ` “Local happiness and corporate financial misconduct: Does happiness reduce organizational opportunistic behavior? ” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, vol. 42, pp. 107157 -, 2023. (SDG#3)
- Shahmanzari, M., Tanrisever, F., Eryarsoy, E., Sensoy, A., “Managing Disease Containment Measures during a Pandemic,” Production and Operations Management, vol. 32, pp. 1362-1379, 2023. (SDG#3)
- Li, C., Song, C., Sensoy, A., and Zhang, M. `”Does corporate green innovation behavior impact trade credit? Evidence from China,” Research in International Business and Finance, vol. 66, pp. 102056 -, 2023. (SDG#9)
- Yao, S., Li, T., Sensoy, A., Fang, Z., and Chang, F. “Investor attention and environmental information disclosure quality: Evidence from heavy pollution industries in China,” International Journal of Finance and Economics, vol., pp., 2023. (SDG#11)
- Cui, X., Wang, C., Sensoy, A., Liao, J., and Xie, X., “Economic policy uncertainty and green innovation: Evidence from China,” Economic Modelling, vol. 118, pp. 106104-1–12, 2023. (SDG#9)
- Yao, S., Pan, Y., Wang, L., Sensoy, A., and Cheng, F., “Building Eco-friendly Corporations: The Role of Minority Shareholders,” Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 182, pp. 933-966, 2023. (SDG#11)
- Cui, X., Wang, P., Sensoy, A., Nguyen, D. K., and Pan, Y., “Green credit policy and corporate productivity: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 177, pp. 121516-1–19, 2022. (SDG#12)
- Fang, Z., Kong, X., Sensoy, A., Cui, X., and Cheng, F. “Government’s awareness of Environmental protection and corporate green innovation: A natural experiment from the new environmental protection law in Chin,” Economic Analysis and Policy, vol. 70, pp. 294-312, 2021. (SDG#9)
- Yao, S., Pan, Y., Sensoy, A., Uddin, G. S., and Cheng, F., “Green credit policy and firm performance: What we learn from China,” Energy Economics, vol. 101, pp. 105415-1–16, 2021. (SDG#11)
- Feng, Y., Pan, Y., Wang, L., and Sensoy, A., “The voice of minority shareholders: Online voting and corporate social responsibility,” Research in International Business and Finance, vol. 57, pp. 101408-1–18, 2021. (SDG#11)

Fehmi Tanrısever |
- Shahmanzari, M., Tanrisever, F., Eryarsoy, E., Sensoy, A., “Managing Disease Containment Measures during a Pandemic,” Production and Operations Management, vol. 32, pp. 1362-1379, 2023. (SDG#3)
- Limon,Y., Tang,C.,Tanrısever,F. , “Sequential versus concurrent final phase product development: Approval uncertainty, time-sensitive consumers, asymmetric competition, and government subsidy,” Production and Operations Management, vol. 32, pp. 3521 – 3540, 2023. (SDG#9)