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Upon successful completion of coursework and a thesis for the MS program, students will be able to:

Goal 1: Individuals equipped with knowledge in their specialty field (Finance; Marketing; Management and Organization; Operations Management)

  • Objective 1. Demonstrate knowledge of theories, models, and tools relevant to their specialty field

Goal 2: Individuals able to conduct supervised research in the specialty field for scientific community and society at large

  • Objective 2. Apply appropriate specialized theories, models and tools to formulate and solve new concrete business and managerial problems, as demonstrated in the MS thesis
  • Objective 3. Include a dedicated section to the thesis discussing societal impact, i.e., include insights of the end users so that knowledge created in the thesis can benefit society at large.

Goal 3: Individuals equipped with written and oral communication skills

  • Objective 4. Use written English effectively as a medium of communication of scholarly work
  • Objective 5. Use spoken English effectively as a medium of communication of scholarly work

Goal 4: Individuals equipped with professional ethics

  • Objective 6. Report the findings of others/ their own research in an honest and truthful manner avoiding plagiarism
  • Objective 7.  Ensure that the participants of the studies with human subjects are treated ethically, including informed consent, voluntary participation, confidentiality, anonymity, and humane treatment of subjects, when required