Dr. Tanrisever’s research on day-ahead electricity markets have contributed to the development of clearing mechanisms for the Turkish day-ahead electricity market. His work is published in Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Journal. Details of his practical contribution can be found in: Derinkuyu, K., Tanrisever, F., Kurt, N., & Ceyhan, G. (2020). Optimizing day-ahead electricity market prices: Increasing the total surplus for energy exchange istanbul. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,
Intersectional Structuring of Consumption, 2018 (Curator: Güliz Ger)
Research Curations : Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) Curations are virtual collections of JCR articles selected to highlight an important consumer research topic. Articles are curated by domain experts who identify links between JCR articles and assemble subject-related collections. The goal of these curated collections is to allow readers to explore a particular issue in depth and garner a deeper understanding of key consumer research topics. Details…
Wharton People Analytics Conference, 2017 – Research Paper Competition Winner (Nüfer Yasin Ateş)
Nüfer Yasin Ateş won the research paper competition in Wharton People Analytics Conference 2017. His paper, “Capturing the Salience of Diversity Attributes from the Broader Social Context”, is co-authored by Linda van Leeuwen of Shell International B.V. and Patrick John Fitzgerald Groenen of Erasmus University.
EURAM, 2017 – Organizational Behaviour Strategic Interest Group Evidence-based Human Resource Management Paper Award (Zahide Karakitapoğlu-Aygün & Lale Tomruk Gümüşlüoğlu)
The paper of Zahide Karakitapoğlu-Aygün and Lale Gümüşlüoğlu won the best paper award in the Organizational Behavior Track in EURAM 2017 (European Academy of Management). The paper has shared the award with another paper out of 162 papers.
Bilkent FBA, December 2017 – Management Research Day
Prof. Niels Noorderhaven of Tilburg School of Economics and Management visited our faculty for Bilkent FBA Management Research Day on December 8, 2017.
Niels served as a discussant to our faculty’s working papers, gave a research seminar and delivered a talk about publishing in top tier academic journals. We enjoyed the participation of scholars and graduate students from METU and Hacettepe to the event.