“’Us’ to co-create value and hate ‘them’: Examining the interplay of consumer brand identification, peer identification, value co-creation among consumers, competitor brand hate, and individualism”
by Omar Itani
Lebanese American University
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New changes in the market are disrupting how customer value is co-created and how brands compete to achieve their marketing and business goals. Accordingly, many research questions on how customer relationship with brands and peer customers may influence customer-to-customer value co-creation and competitor brand hate are still with limited answers. For that, the purpose of this study is to identify the role of identity-based relationships in value co-creation among customers and competitor brand hate leading to customer and business outcomes. To examine this role, the study integrates social identity theory, identity-based marketing perspective, and self-construal theory. Findings show that customer brand identification and peer identification are drivers of value co-creation among customers, which in turn result in favorable outcomes at the customer and brand levels. Only customer brand identification drives customers to hate competing brands, which motivates customers to exert social influence in favor of their brand and to hold additional repurchase intentions. Customer brand identification and peer identification play different roles in motivating customers to co-create value with their fellows and/or drive customers to feel hatred toward competing brands contingent on the degree of customer individualism, which is found to have a dual moderating effect.