‘God Salience and Do-It-Yourself Products Consumption’
by Ali Gohary
Monash University
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Do-it-yourself (DIY) products’ marketing is growing significantly such that the global retailing market value of these products is about $900 billion in 2022, expected an increase to $1300 billion in 2030. However, there is little understanding of how marketers can encourage consumers to purchase DIYs more, the underlying mechanisms, and how situational cues might impact DIY products’ consumption. To address this gap, the present research examines DIY products’ consumption through the lens of God salience. The importance of God in consumers’ daily life is inevitable as 85% of people across the world affiliate themselves with God. Across eight studies, we find that God salience increases consumers’ DIY purchase intentions due to their higher search for meaning in life and activation of the growth mindset. We also find that thinking about punitive (vs. loving) God increases DIY purchase intentions. Our findings also showed that activation of divergent (vs. convergent) thinking, while God is highly salient, promotes DIY consumption. And finally, the effect is stronger among consumers who show higher beliefs in God. The present research provides novel insights into how marketers can promote their DIY products by using God-related situational cues.