Efe Çötelioğlu
Assistant Professor
efe.cotelioglu@bilkent.edu.tr | HomePage
Academic Specialization: Finance
Research interests: Asset Pricing, Institutional Investors, Risk Management
Efe Çötelioğlu has received his Ph.D. in Finance from the Swiss Finance Institute and USI Lugano in 2021. He was awarded the Swiss National Science Foundation Mobility Grant and spent an academic year at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business as a visiting Ph.D. scholar. He holds a B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering (2013) from Bilkent University and an M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering (2015) from Koc University.
His research focuses on the trading behavior of mutual funds and hedge funds, liquidity of financial securities, information diffusion across different financial markets, and financial stability. He has published in the Review of Finance, and his research has been mentioned by several media outlets, including Bloomberg.
He has taught undergraduate and graduate-level courses on financial intermediation, corporate finance, and applied statistics.
Selected Publications :
Çötelioğlu, E., Franzoni, F., & Plazzi, A. (2021). What Constrains Liquidity Provision? Evidence from Institutional Trades. Review of Finance, 25(2), 485-517.