08-basaktanyeriBaşak Tanyeri-Günsür
Associate Professor
basak@bilkent.edu.tr | HomePage

Academic Specialization: Finance

Research interests: Mergers and acquisitions, banking regulation, mutual funds.

Her research focuses on M&A activity and financial crisis. She explores firm and investor choices during turbulent times. She holds a BA from Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, an MS and PhD from Boston College. Before joining Bilkent University, she worked at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. She visited MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy as a Fulbright Scholar during the 2016/2017 academic year. She serves on the editorial board of Global Finance Journal. She teaches courses on corporate finance, valuation, and financial institutions and markets. The results of her scholarly work are disseminated in journals such as Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Stability and Journal of Financial Services Research, Corporate Governance: An International Review.

Selected Publications :

“Once Burned, Twice Shy: Money Market Fund Responses to a Systemic Liquidity Shock” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Volume 50, 2015, pp. 119-144, P. Strahan and B. Tanyeri.

“The Effect of Merger Anticipation on Bidder and Target Firm Announcement Period Returns” Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 17, 2011, pp. 595-611, M.M. Cornett, B. Tanyeri, and H. Tehranian.

“Litigation and Mutual Fund Runs” Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 31, 2017, pp. 119-135, M. Qian and B. Tanyeri.

“Regulatory Competition and Cross-Fertilization in Bank Performance in the US Banking Markets” Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, Forthcoming, 2024, D. Tırtıroğlu, B. Tanyeri-Günsür, E. Tırtıroğlu

“The Value of Shareholder Rights in Family Firms: Global Evidence from a Death in the Family” Corporate Governance: An International Review, Volume 31, 2023, pp. 625-646, B. Tanyeri Günsür and E. Alp.

“Financial Transparency and Sources of Hidden Capital: A Study on Turkish Banks” Journal of Financial Services Research, Volume 37, 2010, pp. 25-41, B. Tanyeri.

“Inventory Performance with Pooling: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions” International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 168, 2015, pp. 331-339, N. Çömez and B. Tanyeri.

“Global Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Activity: 1992-2011” Finance Research Letters Volume 16, 2016, pp.110-117, I.S. Yılmaz and B. Tanyeri.  

“Who to trust? Reactions to analyst recommendations of domestic versus foreign brokerage houses in a developing stock market” Finance Research Letters, Volume 43, 2021, 101950, M. Tınıc, B. Tanyeri, and M.Bodur.

“The Stock and CDS Market Consequences of Political Uncertainty: The Arab Spring” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Volume 58, 2022, pp. 1821-1837, B. Tanyeri, T. Savaşer, and N. Usul.

“Turkish IPOs in a Changing Regulatory and Economic Environment” Borsa Istanbul Review, Volume 22, 2022, pp 332-340, B. Tanyeri, B. Öztürkkal, and D. Tırtıroğlu.

Pricing the Net Benefits of a Public Loan Guarantee Scheme in a Developing Market” Economics Letters, Volume 232, 2023 111353, A. Topaloğlu-Bozkurt, B. Tanyeri-Günsür.

“Investor Reactions to Major Events in the Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis” Finance Research Letters, Volume 47, 2022, 102703, B. Tanyeri Günsür and E.Bulut.

Investor Reactions to Major Events in the Global Financial Crisis in Europe and Asia-Pacific” Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance, Volume 12, 2024, pp. 215-250, E.Bulut and B. Tanyeri-Günsür.

“Stock market reactions to mergers of non-financial Turkish firms” İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, Volume 26, 2011, pp. 53-70, M. H. Hekimoğlu and B.Tanyeri.

“M&A activity during the COVID-19 pandemic” Applied Economics Letters, 2023, pp. 1–7, Z. Ançel İlaslan, and B. Tanyeri-Günsür.

“The Effect of Tax Regulation on Firm Value: The Turkish case of Allowance for Corporate Equity (ACE) regulation” Applied Economic Letters, Volume 28, 2021, pp 264-268, M. Yılmaz, B. Tanyeri and L. Akdeniz.

“A Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Multinomial Logit Models in Predicting Mergers” Journal of Applied Statistics, Volume 40, 2013, pp. 712-720, N. Fescioğlu-Ünver and B.Tanyeri.