– Many host universities will ask you to submit a learning agreement when you apply, outlining a provisional study plan for your exchange year or semester. This Learning Agreement has to be duly signed by the coordinators of home and host institution. Leave a copy of your Learning Agreement before your departure and fill out “Changes to the Learning Agreement Form” if you need to change a course after you arrive in host country.

– In the Erasmus Exchange program we use ECTS credits. One Bilkent credits equate to two ECTS credit – therefore, a typical one semester course load of 15 Bilkent credits equates to 30 ECTS credits.

– Consult your Academic Exchange Coordinator about your course selection.

– For more information, visit this LINK


Pre Approval Form (pdf)

– Sample Pre Approval Forms (How to fill a Pre Approval Form)

Learning Agreement Form (pdf)

List of Major / General Electives