08-006-D_zahide_aygun_Zahide Karakitapoğlu-Aygün
Associate Professor
zkaygun@bilkent.edu.tr | HomePage

Academic Specialization: Organizational Behavior
Research interests: Leadership, teams, innovative behavior, multi-level issues, organizational commitment and justice, cross-cultural issues, overqualification

Dr. Karakitapoğlu-Aygün received her Ph.D. degree in Social Psychology (2002) and B.S. degree in Psychology (1992) from Middle East Technical University. She has been working at Bilkent University since 2003. She was a visiting Scholar at the Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, USA (2000-2002) and at the School of Business, Portland State University, USA (2018-2019). Both of her visits in the U.S. and her two cross-cultural studies were supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).

Dr. Karakitapoğlu-Aygün’s two other research projects were also funded by TÜBİTAK BIDEB 1001 Program in 2008 and and 2015. She has received many awards such as Evidence-based Human Resource Management Paper Award (European Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2017), Creativity & Innovation Division Best Paper Award (14th European Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2014), Dean’s Research Award (FBA, Bilkent University, 2017), Prof.Dr. Muhan Soysal Best Paper Award (17th National Management and Organization Congress, 2009), and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Foundation Master’s Thesis Award (Middle East Technical University, 1997).

Dr. Karakitapoğlu-Aygün published articles in journals such as Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics: A European Review, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Research, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, European Journal of Social Psychology, and Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.She is a member of Academy of Management, and European Academy of Management. She currently teaches organizational behavior and organization theory at Bilkent.

Selected Publications :

Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., Erdogan, B., Caughlin, D. & Bauer, T. (in press). Transformational leadership, idiosyncratic deals and employee outcomes. Personnel Review.

Karakitapoglu Aygun, Z., Gumusluoglu, L., Erturk, A., & Scandura, T.A. (in press). What if Authoritarian to All or to Some?: A Multi-level Investigation of Within-Group Differentiation in Authoritarian Leadership. Journal of Business Research.

Karakitapoglu Aygun, Z., Gumusluoglu, L., Erturk, A., & Scandura, T.A. (2021). Two to Tango? A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Leader-Follower Agreement on Authoritarian Leadership. Journal of Business Research, 128, 473-485.

Erdogan, B., Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., Caughlin, D., Bauer, T., & Gumusluoglu, L. (2020). Employee over qualification and manager job insecurity: Implications for employee career outcomes. Human Resource Management, 59, 555-567.

Gumusluoglu, L., Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., & Hu, C. (2020). Angels and devils?: How do bright and dark sides of paternalistic leaders differ in shaping ethical climate across cultures? Business Ethics: A European Review, 29 (2), 388-402.

Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z., Gumusluoglu, L. & Scandura, T. (2020). How do different faces of paternalistic leaders facilitate or impair task and innovative performance: Opening the black box. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 27 (2), 138-152.

Litchfield, R., Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Z, Gumusluoglu, L., Carter, M., & Hirst, G. (2018). When team identity helps innovation and when it hurts: Team identity and its relationship to team and cross-team innovative behavior. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35 (3), 350-366.

Gumusluoglu, L., Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z, & Scandura, T.A. (2017) A Multi-Level Examination of Benevolent Leadership and Innovative Behavior in R&D Contexts: A Social-Identity Approach, Journal of Leadership and Organization Studies, 24(4), 479-493.

Taras, V., Sarala, R., Muchinsky, P., Avsec, A., Coon, H., Dinnel, D., Gardner, W., Grace, S., Hardin, E., Hsu, S., Johnson, J., Karakitapoglu-Aygün, Z., Kashima, E., Kolstad, A., Milfont, T., Oetzel, J., Okazaki, S., Probst, T., Sato, T. Shafiro, M., Singelis, T., Schwartz, S. and Sinclair, C. (2014). Opposite ends of the same stick? Multi-method test of the dimensionality of individualism and collectivism. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(2) 213-245.

Cross, S., Üskül, A., Gerçek Swing, B., Sunbay, Z., Alözkan, C., Günsoy, C., Ataca, B., and Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z. (2014). Cultural prototypes and dimensions of honor. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 40(2), 232- 249.

Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z.& Gumusluoglu, L. (2013). A Re-Conceptualization of Transformational Leadership in the Turkish Context. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 28 (72), 105-124.

Gumusluoglu, L., Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z. and  Hirst, G. (2013). Transformational Leadership and R&D Workers’ Multiple Commitments: Do justice and span of control matter? Journal of Business Research, 66, 2269-2278.

Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z. and Gumusluoglu, L. (2013). The bright and dark sides of leadership: Transformational vs. non-transformational leadership in a non-Western context. Leadership, 9, 107-133.

Gumusluoglu, L., & Karakitapoğlu-Aygün, Z. (2010). The Effects of Perceived Justice and Empowerment on Organizational, Supervisory and Occupational Commitment: An Investigation on Knowledge Workers”, Turkish Journal of Psychology, 25(66),21-36.

Karakitapoglu Aygun, Z., Arslan, M., and Guney, S. (2008). Work Values of Turkish and American University Students. Journal of Business Ethics, 80, 205-223.

Imamoglu, O., and Karakitapoglu Aygun, Z. (2007). Relatedness of identities and emotional closeness with parents across and within cultures. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 10, 145-161.

Mok, A., Morris, M., Benet-Martinez, V., and Karakitapoglu Aygun, Z. (2007). Embracing American culture: Structures of social identity and social networks among first-generation biculturals . Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38(5), 629-635.

İmamoğlu, E. O., and Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Z. (2006). Actual, ideal and expected relatedness with parents across and within cultures. European Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 721-745.

Carpenter, S., and Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Z. (2005). Importance and Descriptiveness of Self Aspects: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Cross Cultural Research, 39, 293-321.

İmamoğlu, E. O., and Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Z. (2004). Self-construals and values in different cultural and socioeconomic contexts. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 130(4), 277-306.

Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Z. (2004). Self, identity and well-being among Turkish university students. Journal of Psychology, 138, 457-478.

Benet Martinez, V. (2003). The interplay of cultural syndromes, and personality in predicting life-satisfaction: Comparing Asian- and European-Americans. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 34, 38-60.

Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Z., and İmamoğlu, E. O. (2002). Value domains of Turkish adults and university students. The Journal of Social Psychology, 142, pp. 333-352.

İmamoğlu, E. O., and Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Z. (1999). Value preferences from 1970s to 1990s: Cohort, generation and gender differences at a Turkish University. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 14(44), pp. 1-22.