Ahmet Ekici
Associate Professor
ekici@bilkent.edu.tr | HomePage
Academic Specialization: Marketing
Research interests: Public Policy and Marketing: food safety, institutional trust, vulnerable groups, and poverty. Macromarketing: quality of life, consumer well-being, developing markets, poverty, and ethics. Relationship Marketing: role of trust in both consumer and organizational settings.
Ahmet Ekici has received his Ph.D. degree in marketing from The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA (2002), MBA degree from Virginia Tech, USA (1997), and B.Sc. degree in management engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey (1993). He has been working at the Faculty of Business Administration since September 2002. He was a visiting scholar at the College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA and at the College of Business Administration, University of Wyoming, USA. In 2002, he won C. J. McNutt Food Marketing Dissertation Award Competition. In 2010, he was awarded with the Fulbright Scholar Fellowship to conduct research in the United States. Dr. Ekici teaches principles of marketing, marketing management, marketing strategy, services marketing, and marketing research both at undergraduate and graduate levels.
Selected Publications :
Ozgen Genc, T., Ekici, A. (2022). A new lens to the understanding and reduction of household food waste: A fuzzy cognitive map approach, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 33, pp. 389-411.
Ekici, A. and F. Watson (2022), A model of consumer life-satisfaction amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence and policy implications, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(1), pp. 158-179.
Ekici, A., T. O. Genc, H. Celik (2021), The Future of Macromarketing: Recommendations Based on a Content Analysis of the Past Twelve Years of the Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Macromarketing, 41 (1), 25-47
Gurel‐Atay, E., M. J. Sirgy, D. Webb, A. Ekici, D‐J. Lee, L. Kahle (2021), What motivates people to be materialistic? Developing a measure of materialism motives, Journal of Consumer Behavior, 20 (3), 590-606
Ekici, A. and Onsel Ekici, S. (2021). Understanding and Managing Complexity through Bayesian Network Approach: The Case of Bribery in Business Transactions, Journal of Business Research, 129,757-773
Sirgy, M. Josephm, Grace B. Yu, Dong-Jin Lee, Mohsen Joshanloo, Michael Bosnjak, Jinfeng Jiao, Ekici, A., Eda Gurel Atay, Stephan Grzeskowiak (2021). The Dual Model of Materialism: Success Versus Happiness Materialism on Present and Future Life Satisfaction, Applied Research in Quality of Life, 16 (1), 201-220
Ekici, A. and Watson, F and Ekici, A (2020). “Understanding the Dark Sides of Alternative Economies to Maximize Societal Benefit,” Journal of Macromarketing, 40 (2), 169-184
Ekici, A. ,A. Shiri, C. Mandrik (2018). The message in the box: How exposure to money affects charitable giving, Marketing Letters, 29 (2), 137-149.
Ekici, A,, M. J. Sirgy, D.J. Lee, G. B. Yu, and M. Bosnjak (2018). The Effects of Shopping Well-Being and Shopping Ill-Being on Consumer Life Satisfaction. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 13 (2), 333-353.
Shiri, A. and Ekici, A. (2017). “Regret of Action or Regret of Inaction: Examining Divergent Regret Patterns for Experiential and Material Gifts” Journal of Marketing Behavior, 3, 73-80.
Watson F. and Ekici, A.,(2017). Well-being in Alternative Economies: The role of shared commitments in the context of a spatially extended alternative food network , Journal of Macromarketing, 37, 2, 206-216.
James G. Helgeson, Kurpis, Lada, Magne Supphellen, and Ekici A, (2017). “Consumers’ Use of Country of Manufacture Information? Norway and the U.S.A.: Ethnocentric, Economic and Cultural Differences,” Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 29, 3, 179-193.
Kurpis, Lada, James G. Helgeson, Ekici A, and Magne Supphellen (2016). “Consumers’ Use of Country of Manufacture Information: Turkey, and Emerging Market versus the U.S.A., a Developed Market,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Studies, 88-100
Ekici, A and Onsel-Ekici, S. (2016). A Bayesian Network Analysis of Ethical Behavior. Journal of Macromarketing, 36 (1), 96-115
Sandikci, O, Peterson, M., Ekici, A. and Simkins, T. (2016). Development and Quality of Life in Turkey: How Globalization, Religion, and Economic Growth Influence Individual Well-being. Journal of Macromarketing, 36 (3), 304-320
Sirgy, M. J, Lee, Dong-Jin; Yu, Grace B. Ekici A. (2016). Self-expressiveness in shopping. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30 (May), 292-299.
Hamilton, K., Piacentini, G.M., Banister, E., Barrios, A., Blocker P.C., Coleman, A.C., Ekici, A., Gorge, H., Hutton, M., Passerard, F. and Saatcioglu, B. (2014). Poverty in Consumer Culture: Towards a Transformative Social Representation. Journal of Marketing Management, 30.
Ekici, A. (2014). Consumer Wellbeing, Consumer Complaints in Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, (edited by Alex Michalos), Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 1254-1256.
Ekici, A. (2013). Temporal Dynamics of Trust in Ongoing Inter-organizational Relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 42, 932-949.
Ekici, A and Onsel, S. (2013). How Ethical Behaviour of Firms is Influenced by the Legal and Political Environments: A Bayesian Causal Map Analysis Based on Stages of Development. Journal of Business Ethics, 115(2), 271-290.
Blocker, C.P., Rut, J.A., Sridharan S., Beckwith C., Ekici A., Goudie-Hutton, M., J.A.Rosa, Saatcioglu B., Talukdar D., Trujillo C., Varman R. (2013). Understanding Poverty and Promoting Poverty Alleviation through Transformative Consumer Research. Journal of Business Research, 66(8), 1195-1202.
Sirgy M. J., Gurel-Atay E., Webb D., Cicic M., Husic M., Ekici A., Herrmann A., Hegazy I., Lee, D.J., Johar J. S (2013). Is Materialism All That Bad? Effects on Satisfaction with Material Life, Life Satisfaction, and Economic Motivation. Social Indicators Research, 110(1), 349 -366.
Shultz, II, C. J., Deshpandé R., Cornwell T. B., Ekici A., Kothandaraman P., Peterson, M., Shapiro S., Talukdar D., Veeck A. (2012). Marketing and Public Policy: Transformative Research in Developing Markets. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 31(2), 178-184.
Sirgy M. J., Gurel-Atay E., Webb D., Cicic M., Husic M., Ekici A., Herrmann A., Hegazy I., Lee, D.J., Johar J. S. (2012). Linking Advertising, Materialism, and Life Satisfaction. Social Indicators Research, 107 (1), 79-101.
Blocker, C.P., Ruth, J.A., Sridharan, S., Beckwith, C.,Ekici, A.,Goudie-Hutton, M., Antonio Rosa, J.,Saatçioğlu,B., Talukdar,D., Trujillo,C. and Varman, R. (2011). Applying a transformative consumer research lens to understanding and alleviating poverty. Journal of Research for Consumers, 19, 1-9.
Sirgy M. J., Lee, D.J, Grzeskowiak S., Yu, G. B., Webb D., El-Hasan K., Vega, J. J. G., Ekici, A., Johar J. S., Krishen, A., Kangal A., Swoboda B., Claiborne, C. B., Maggino F., Rahtz D., Canton A., Kuruuzum, A. (2010). Quality of College Life (QCL) of Students:Further Validation of a Measure of Well-being. Social Indicators Research ,99 (3), 375-390.
Peterson, M., Ekici A., and Hunt D. (2010). How the Poor in a Developing Country View Business’ Contribution to Quality-of-Life Five Years After a National Economic Crisis. Journal of Business Research, 65, 548-558.
Ekici, A., and Peterson, M. (2009). The Unique Relationship between Quality of Life and Consumer Trust for Market-Related Institutions among Financially-Constrained Consumers in a Developing Country. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.
Sandikci, O., and Ekici, A. (2009). Politically Motivated Brand Rejection. Journal of Business Research, 62(2), 208-217.
Commuri, S., and Ekici, A. (2008). An Enlargement of the Notion of Consumer Vulnerability. Journal of Macromarketing, 28(2),183-186.
Sirgy, J., Lee, D., Grzeskowiak, S., Chebat, J., Johar, J., Hermann, A., Hassan, S., Hegazi, I., Ekici, A., and Webb, D. (2008). An Extension and Further Validation of a Community-based Consumer Well-being Measure. Journal of Macromarketing, 28(3), 243-257.
Peterson, M., and Ekici, A. (2007). Consumer Attitude toward Marketing and Subjective Quality of Life In the Context of a Developing Country. Journal of Macromarketing, 27(4),350-359.
Ekici, A. (2006). Consuming, Studying, and Regulating Genetically Modified Foods: A Case for Transformative Consumer Research. Advances in Consumer Research, 33, 613-622.
Sandikci, O., Ekici, A., and Tari B. (2006). C onsumer Acculturation as a Dialogical Process: Case Studies from Rural-to-Urban Migrants in Turkey. Advances in Consumer Research, 33, 429-434.
Ekici, A.(2005). Consumers’ View of Food Biotechnology: A Proactive Approach to Marketing and Public Policy. Geeta Menon and Akshay R. Rao (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, vol. XXXII.
Ekici, A. (2004). Consumer Trust and Distrust in the Food System:Some Implications for the Debates on Food Biotechnologies. Advances in Consumer Research, 31, Barbara E. Kahn and Mary Francis Luce (eds.) Valdosta, GA: Association for Consumer Research.
Ekici, A. (2002).Putting Consumer Voice Back in Public Policy: An Enlightenment Model Approach in Advances in Consumer Research, 29, Kent Nakamota and Susan Broniarczyk, eds., Valdosta, GA: Association for Consumer Research.
Commuri, S., Ekici, A., and Kennedy, P. (2002).Historical Review of Advertising Targeting Mothers: Content Analysis Under Sociological Imagination of Ads in 1920s, 1950s, and 1980sin Advances in Consumer Research, 29, Kent Nakamota and Susan Broniarczyk, eds., Valdosta, GA: Association for Consumer Research.