Atilla Onuklu’s paper, titled “Institutional Harmonization and International Connectivity in Innovation”, accepted for the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management taking place August 2022, has been judged by the reviewers to be one of the best accepted papers in the program. This high honor entitles the paper to be published in the Proceedings of the 2022 Academy of Management Meeting.


TÜBA – GEBİP (Turkish Academy of Sciences – The Young Scientists) Award in Social Sciences (2020)

Dr. Ahmet Şensoy, Assistant Professor of Finance at Bilkent FBA, wins the Turkish Academy of Sciences – Young Scientist (TÜBA-GEBİP) Award in Social Sciences. With this award, his project entitled ‘Big Data and Data Analytics in Financial Markets’ will be supported by TÜBA in the next three years.

The TÜBA-GEBİP programme aims to set up a kind of Young Academy of scientists under the age of 40. Launched in 2001, this award programme fosters young, outstanding scientists who are at the stage of establishing their own research agendas in Turkey after finishing their post-doctoral research activities. TÜBA supports these scientists for a period of three years and helps them set up their own research groups at a stage when they are in need for incentives. Aside from a grant provided for a period of three years, a member of the Academy is assigned as the mentor, and an environment of solidarity and interaction is created through joint meetings held with Academy members. After completing the GEBİP programme, the young scientists maintain their ties with the Academy as senior members of the GEBİP community. From among such senior GEBİP Members, the most outstanding ones may be elected to Associate Membership, with continuous assessment of their scientific performance as possible candidates for Principal Membership of the Academy.


Our faculty member Dr. Fehmi Tanrısever has received the prestigious BAGEP award for young scientists, of Bilim Akademisi (Bilkent News). We congratulate and thank him for bringing this award to our faculty. During the ceremony, the award of Dr. Tanrısever was presented by our dean Ülkü Gürler. Below, you can find some pictures from the ceremony.


Dr. Şensoy was recognized in the field of social science for his studies of “market microstructure, systematic risk and financial networks.” He is awarded with 2018 TUBİTAK Bilim Teşvik Ödülü in Social Sciences, as announced in here. We would like to express our deepest congratulations to Dr. Şensoy for receiving this prestigious award! The details are here.


Prof. Dr. Kürşat Aydoğan has received one of the four Distinguished Teaching Awards presented by Bilkent University in 2018. We congratulate Prof. Aydoğan for his remarkable achievement.


The paper co-authored by Dr. Zahide Karakitapoğlu-Aygün and Dr. Lale Gümüşlüoğlu won the Evidence-based Human Resource Management Paper Award in the Organizational Behavior Track of European Academy of Management, for their paper entitled “Paternalistic leadership and follower performance: Opening the black box”. They received the award at the 17th National Management EURAM (2017) Congress in Glasgow.


Dr. Lale Gumusluoglu and Dr. Zahide Karakitapoğlu-Aygün received the Best Paper Award in Creativity & Innovation Division (2014) of the Academy of Management, for their paper entitled “When does team identity strengthen team innovative behavior? The roles of reflexivity and interdependence”, co-authored with Litchfield, R., Carter, M., Hirst, G. They received the award at the 14th European Academy of Management Conference in Valencia.


Dr. Lale Gümüşlüoğlu won one of the prestigious Emerald Citations of Excellence Awards for her paper published in Journal of Business Research entitled “Transformational leadership, creativity, and organizational innovation”. Chosen as one of the top 50 articles from the top 300 management publications worldwide that have had proven impact since their publication date, the award was presented to Dr. Gümüşlüoğlu during a ceremony at the Academy of Management in Orlando in August 2013.

The Citations of Excellence Award celebrates the 50 impactful academic articles receiving the greatest number of citations over the past three years in other research papers published in 300 management journals, including Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Finance, Strategic Management Journal, MIT Sloan Management Review, and McKinsey Quarterly. This award is given to papers each year in an editorial judging panel who choose these papers based on research impact using the Emerald’s Impact of Research Quality Criteria that include citation, media comment, implementation in practice, transformation of research for new audiences, and awards.


Dr. Lale Gümüşlüoğluand Dr. Zahide Karakitapoğlu-Aygün received the Prof. Muhan Soysal Best Paper Award (2009), for their paper entitled “Factors affecting knowledge workers’ commitment to their organizations, leaders and occupations”. They received the award at the 17th National Management and Organization Congress in Eskişehir.